Reinstate African Union Ambassador Chihombori-Quao!
African Diaspora Demands Reinstatement Of Dr Arikana Chihombori-Quao After Unjust Removal from Office.
After almost a year of persuading her to assume leadership as the African Union (AU) Permanent Ambassador in the United States representing the 55 countries of the Union, Dr. Arikana Chihombori-Quao accepted the position in December 2016 and has led with courage and vigor in galvanizing peoples of African Descent. Dr. Chihombori-Quao has spoken globally to sensitize and empower all peoples of African Descent to come together and build the “Africa We Want” as adopted in African Union Agenda 2063.
The unification of the African Diaspora as espouded in AU Agenda 2063 is contrary to the Africa that has been marginalized and pillaged through inequitable colonial and post-colonial contracts. Dr. Arikana has been outspoken about neo-colonial maneuverings and exploitation that still exist today. Her dissemination of the truth has garnered her attention and support around the world (you can watch one of her famous speeches published by American journalist, Roland S. Martin, here). You can learn more about Dr. Chihombori-Quao on her Wikipedia page here.
However, not everyone is embracing her bold but honest discourses for effecting change for the betterment of Africa. On October 7th, 2019, Ambassador Quao was relieved of her position as the “Permanent Ambassador” in a unilateral decision made by the African Union Commission Chairman without any hearing or explanation, and yet presented as representing the opinions of all 55 countries. The questions are: why was she dismissed, or better, who benefits from her removal? Were African heads of states and governments consulted? Who called the shot? Or is Africa, and peoples of African descent, still facing the debilitating effects of modern colonialism or neocolonialism? Leadership based on self-interest and preservation that does not benefit the people they serve is no longer acceptable. Here is a copy of the termination letter.
Dr. Chihombori-Quao was treasured by her African Diaspora and was successful in uniting African people to promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development. She was quite effective in providing access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels just as stated in the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). She is a symbol of hope not only for the African Diaspora, but for humankind as we enter this season of justice for all people.
People of African Descent around the world are appalled by Dr. Chihombori-Quao’s unjust dismissal. Instead of dismantling her movement to liberate the people of African Descent from colonialism and pursue financial freedom, her dismissal has galvanized African Diaspora in the spirit of UBUNTU – I am because you are!
The petition against undue influence and pressure exerted on African leaders and people by the former colonial powers of Europe calls for Dr. Chihombori-Quao’s immediate reinstatement to her position and an apology from the AU Commission. We in the Diaspora were even hoping that Dr Arikana would accept future call for a greater role in the African Union as the African Diaspora continues their journey toward liberation from mental slavery. Her Excellency, Dr. Arikana Chihombori-Quao is an effective leader who should be encouraged for her courage and steadfastness, not dismissed. Who besides her is willing to stand for justice?
We Need Your Support and Signature.
We invite you to share this message and sign the petition. We demand her reinstatement as well as a formal letter of apology from the African Union Commission. We are petitioning the African presidents and Heads of States to get involved in this matter. The silent majority will no longer be silent as this issue symbolizes the need for equity and justice for all people in Africa, the Americas, and around the world.
On behalf of the African Diaspora,
Prof. Apollos Nwauwa
Secretary, African Diaspora Congress
Founding supporting African diaspora organizations include:
African Union African Diaspora Health Initiative
Africa In Diaspora (AID) – Voice
Pan African Diaspora Youth Association
Pan African Diaspora Women’s Association
Africans in Boston
The African Diaspora Foundation
DFW Inclusive African Community Organization
Global African Business Association